Saturday, April 12, 2014

K is for Koala

By: Noelle

Born- When a Koala is born it weighs less than ½ of a gram, but when it grows to its full size it weighs 15-30 pounds, and is about two feet long. Female koalas also have a pouch that carries their young.  

Nocturnal- Koalas sleep most of the day in other words 18 hours. They have great night vision when they are up so they can see just fine. But during the day the sunlight hurts their eyes.

Home- Koalas are found in Australia in the forests. Their trees are called eucalyptus trees. That is also where they get there food and most of their water.

Color/Look- If you have ever seen a koala? If you have, then you know that they look like.  They are furry, gray, and mean. They also have a fluffy short tail, and a dark black nose. Also, they have a white stomach. That is what koalas look like.

Weight- Koalas usually weigh around 15-30 pounds. But it depends, females seem to not weigh as much as males. In length, koalas are usually around 27-36 in (70 to 90 cm.)

Pet- If you wanted to have a koala as a pet, they usually cost between 3,000 and 5,000 dollars each! But you know what is crazy? That is only for a baby koala!

Food/Water- Koalas eat mainly eucalyptus leaves (gum leaves). Occasionally they will eat the leaves from some other native Australian trees, and they also use certain trees just for resting in. Koalas live in tall open eucalypt (gum tree) forests. They also drink their water from that tree. So they eat drink and live in one tree!

Noises- Koalas make a roaring sound to let people know that they are mad or scared. So whenever they make that sound they are trying to tell people something.

Life Span- In the wild Koalas can live 12-14 years. But if someone is taking care of them, or if they are in captivity they can live 16-20 years.

Predators of Koalas- There are many things that put the life of a koala in danger. A dangerous enemy of a koala is the European Fox. Also dangerous to the Koala is fire, (because they cannot run fast enough to escape them,) hunters, and cars, (car accident.) Some enemies of the baby koala are eagles and owls.

Fun Facts
  • The name “koala’ comes from the Aboriginal word meaning “no drink”
  • The Koala has many nicknames. Some of which include Koala Bear, Bangaroo, and New Holland Sloth.
  • Koala sleep at least 19 hours a day.
  • Koala’s are nocturnal animals which means that the sleep during the day and move around at night.
  • Koalas eat so much eucalyptus leaves that they smell like them.
  • The scientific name for a koala is Phasclarctos cinereus.
  • The koala is a warm-blooded mammal.
  • There is only 1 specie of koala.
  • Koalas almost never go on the ground.

Works Cited
"Koala." National Geographic. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. <>.
"Koala." Koala. Web. 27 Mar. 2014. <>.


  1. I didn't know koalas were mean! I've never seen one in person, but if I ever do, I'll stay at a safe distance.

    Visiting from the A to Z Challenge signup page. Great to meet you!

    Stephanie Faris, author
    30 Days of No Gossip

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! Noelle,I found all your information on the Koala very interesting. I didn't know they had a pouch to carry their young.
    Mrs. Clague

  4. You sure sound like a koala expert, Noelle. I definitely know who to go to if I want to learn more about koalas.
    Mr. Posick
