Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for Donkeys

Super Donkey
By: Jack

There were screams all around, people fleeing the city and there was Super Donkey left there stranded on the street face to face with the giant worm.

There was a killer worm, named Cupcake, waiting to strike New York City. The worm had razor sharp killer teeth with a venomous back fin. He had amazing eyesight so he could see a city far away. He was at least 100 feet long and could eat the whole city in one bite. What a horrifying sight!

One stormy night, the killer worm’s stomach growled. He exclaimed, “I need food now!” So, the killer worm sprung out of his deep dark cave in the forest underground and took a brief look around then saw from a large distance, the very bright city.

He licked his lips and quickly but quietly slithered towards the city. People fled the city as Cupcake flung into action, trying to devour the city in one bite. There Super Donkey was, stranded on the street face to face with Cupcake. Cupcake flung into action trying to kill Super Donkey, but Super Donkey held Cupcake by its jaws as it leapt at Super Donkey.

Cupcake squirmed to get free but couldn’t. Super Donkey couldn’t hold Cupcake back much longer. Super Donkey looked around and spotted a jagged rock. He  flung Cupcake at a jagged rock . He had blood all over his scaly body but he wasn't done fighting. So Super Donkey took him by the throat and smashed him right back in the hole where he came from as he covered it with lava. The killer worm named Cupcake was never seen again. Or was he?
Part 2

As we know, Cupcake is immune to lava and survived Super Donkey’s attack. Now 10 years have passed since Super Donkeys attack. Now Cupcake has grown a lot bigger than before. Now he can destroy New York City in a nibble.

Cupcake was tempted to kill Super Donkey in New York City. But his temptation got the most of him and he flew in the air missing Super Donkie making a giant crater in the earth. He was so happy until he felt a punch to the head tumbling across the city buildings and falling on tow trucks.
Then a thought came to Super Donkey’s head thinking if Cupcake is immune to lava then he must be weak to water! Luckily Lake 5 was nearby. Super Donkey grabbed Cupcake by the tail and smashed him on Lake 5. Nothing was seen until a month later. Bones rose out of Lake 5. Monsters bones, killer bones, Cupcakes bones.

The End


  1. Hi Jack! What a powerful piece of fiction. I kept reading faster and faster, to get to the end, wanting to know how it would turn out. I was temped to read the ending first, but I did not. Go Super Donkey!

  2. What a creative story! I like how you were able to find a way to rid the world of Cupcake the killer worm before he could destroy New York City.
    Mr. Posick
