Wednesday, June 4, 2014

RtI Extension Project

RtI Extension Project
By: Evan

In R.T.I. we are doing a book report. My partner and I are comparing two books and switching the characters by making a sketch. First we picked the books then we picked how we would compare them. Now we are reading the books and then we will make the sketch and present it to the class.

Teacher Note: Our district divides students into grouping for RtI and focuses on the skills each group needs. The extensions group is our highest group of students who need to continue to push themselves in Reading and Language Arts. Resources from our extension teacher, Sarah Kasprowicz, can be found on her amazing Google Site.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Door Decorating Contest

Door Decorating Contest
By: Rebecca

We did a door decorating contest in Merton School. Each class made a door with the moral of teamwork! I couldn’t help make our door, but it looked amazing. Each grade had a winner, and then an overall winner. The Door Decorating Contest is a fun and creative way for Merton School to show its spirit!

Teacher Note: This contest was sponsored through our student senate as part of "teamwork week"

Monday, June 2, 2014


By: Katelyn

This year I have really enjoyed band. I had always wanted to do it  when I was younger. I know that ever since I heard that the saxophone was in the school band, I was so excited. I’ve always wanted to do it, the first time I found out about the saxaphone. When I got to 5th grade, I knew the instrument I wanted to do right away. The saxophone!!

The saxophone is one of the loudest instruments. It has a very interesting sound. this year I have been doing pretty well at this instrument, because every other day all of the students that do band, go up to the band room, and we all practice songs for the concerts. It’s lots of work. 

I’ll never forget the time we all groaned at learning one of our songs, but at the end of the class, we were really good at the song. The music teacher never gives up on us, so we get better and better every time 

We also have lessons individually. For this we also go up to the band room. When we get up there we put our instrument together and get ready for the band teacher to help you. We have music books that teach us the new things we need to know in reading music, such as slurs and accents. There are so many other things that we have learned or still need to learn. It’s like almost anything, you have to practice. In band we practice a lot. In the band room all together, and individually in the band room. Also at home. With all of this practice we are required to do, we can get to be the best at all of our instruments that we signed up to do.

I have had so much fun doing band this year. I know that I’m going to  it next year as well. Maybe I’ll have even more fun next year when I do.

Teacher Note: Thank you to our fabulous band directors for instilling such a love of music in so many of my students this year. Tracey McGinnis and Dana Erato are wonderful with the kids and with the program they run. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hardcover Books

Hardcover Books
By: Trevor

My Experience

My hardcover was about a hunting trip gone wrong. It was hard at first to get ideas, but once I got the introduction done my ideals started rolling and my book became really good. Then when I was finished with my story we had to print the story on special paper. Then when I was done printing, I had to make the pictures for the book and that when it got pretty hard. I’m not a good drawer so it was hard for me because these pictures were going in my book and I wanted them to a the least look good. After I finished my pictures I thought to myself,” that wasn’t that hard to draw those pictures. My book came out very good. The hardcover book project was really fun to me.

Class Experience

Our teacher gave us around one and half weeks to make our hardcover books. For some people that was a problem some people did a lot of poems and other people did some super long stories. The whole class did the hardcover books so at writing time everyone was doing something, some people were on their pictures and other people might  be on writing their intro.   You always had something to do in writing with our hardcover books. You could  be printing your book or writing or making Illustrations. I think our class really liked the hardcover books. I know that I would want to do that again.

Teacher Note: This project was made possible through Student Treasures. I will admit I was unsure at first and that it seemed too good to be true. This is our second year creating the books, and the kids really do get to become published authors at no cost to the family or district.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Pickles Projects

Ketchup and Pickles
By: Jon

In the past year I have done some pretty fun things.Yet the most fun thing had to be Ketchup and Pickles in writing class. Sometimes we got to write something that is completely for fun. In case you don’t know Ketchup and Pickles is on Fridays when we catch up on work or do free writing.

In the first quarter, we were aloud to write anything from Comics to Sci-Fi to Folklore. I chose to write a LOT of comics. During second and third quarter, we had a “bingo sheet”. We had to pick five squares in a row and write the assignments. It was slightly less fun, yet still good. In this quarter, I don't know what were doing, but I’m sure to find out soon (I’m hoping to draw more comics) .

Pickles was truly one of the best things to do in writing class on Fridays. Because there were a whole lot of choices in the units, it made writing a blast. 

If you would like to see an example of a Pickles project click below to learn more about the video game portal. I had a bunch ‘o’ fun doing Pickles this year.

Teacher Note: This idea was adapted from an idea I saw online. Thank you to Amanda Northrup for sharing your Bingo Boards online for options for my students. Click Here for access to the boards I used with my students. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Recess Debate

Recess Debate
By: Jack

Could you imagine a day in fifth grade without one recess?  Our principle, Mr. Posick, was thinking of not having recess for us kids!  Maybe it sounds hard to believe but he was considering it!  Thats when the debate started in all the fifth grade classes in Merton.

There were arguments for both for and against recess.  About half our class was  for keeping recess and I was one of them.  The other half was against keeping recess. Both sides were very strong but I think keeping recess was the more powerful argument. It was a fun experience too. My favorite part was when all the students that were picked to represent each side for each class got together with the principal and talked about it. It was so fun to hear all the different arguments. Some of the arguments for keeping recess were related to exercise, fresh air, being too anxious in class and obesity. Some arguments to get rid of recess were related to injuries and having more time for learning.

During the discussion I learned how to debate and research my opinion. I also learned what you all need to have a good debate.  All in all it was a fun experience.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering
By: Jonathan

In science we did a unit on being a environmental engineer. We learned about oil spills, whether something is really acidic or really basic and about food chains and ecosystems.
In the first part we learned what a oil spill can do a body of water and it is not pretty. We also learned how we could help. In the second part how to identify if something is really acidic or basic, we used ph strips and tested bottles off dirt and water. Last, we learned about how animals depend on one another to survive in the wild.

In conclusion I really enjoyed this unit it in science because Mrs. iwanski made it really fun to do.

Teacher Note: For this unit we used the EIE A Slick Solution Kit. Additional materials can be accessed through our Science Website

Monday, May 26, 2014


By: Madison

Hi I am here to tell you about  Mrs.Iwanski’s class pet .We have a pet fish and his name is Beluga. I love him. Mrs.Iwanski has had him for one whole year. That is longer than my goldfish ever lived. I think that Beluga is the longest living fish I ever meet.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pi Day

Pi Day
By: Katie

On Pi Day my class had lots of activities to do like make a chain,  make skyscrapers, and a rap.  All of these activities represented Pi. The chain represented Pi because, every number was match with a colored piece of paper.  The skyscraper was representing Pi because every number had to be a that number of squares high. The rap represented Pi because it had to about Pi.

If you don’t know what I meant by Pi day no it is not when you eat pie all day.  Pi Day is when you celebrate the math  number Pi.

My favorite Pi Day activity was The Pi Day Chain, and The pi Day Rap.

This is what Pi Day is and what my class did on Pi Day.

Teacher Note: For more information on Pi Day please see my separate blog post Pi Day on a Friday

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Water Visitors

Water Visitors
By: Allison

In our Science unit, visitors came to our school to teach us about water and how it affects our community. After the presentation they presented to 5th Grade about how we use water and how we should use the water to keep it clean, they lead classes up one at a time to the 7th and 8th grade science lab to do two hands on experiments.

They split our class into two groups and started the experiments. One was about the wildlife in our streams and lakes. They had big maps which had different bugs and insects at each little station with a bin that had the wildlife in them. Also, the stations included two spoons for us to pick up and observe the little creatures in our bin. We inspected the critters for a while and then we switched groups. 

They had a big model of a town with bridges, roads, farms, with tiny houses and other cute little models. The person gave each of us tiny things to put on which represented something else. Once we each put on stuff on the village model we each got to spray the model to make it rain. We watched as it as the rain water or runoff picked up our things we put on and carried them to the lake. The pollutants and things all came into the lake and filled it with yucky pollutants and things. She explained how this happens whenever it rains so we should help to not ruin our fresh water that we have.

I liked how they came and taught us things about how to keep our environment clean. I never knew that washing your car in the grass actually helps the grass and water! I especially liked how they took us to the science lab and taught us some things. I liked scooping up and observing the little insects that they brought for us to see and look at. I bet everyone else loved playing with them too and we enjoyed when they came to help us.

Teacher Note: The presentation and both hands on experiences were offered to our students free of charge through our local parks department. If you are in Waukesha County and interested in a similar experience please see this flyer for the types of programs offered and the contact information.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Engineering Olympics

Engineering Olympics
By: Sarah
During the third quarter, we held the Olympics. Well, kind of. We held the Engineering Olympics.

There were 4 teams,  one for every class. Team Iwanski, Team Kasprowicz, Team Klink, and Team Shiellack. Also, there were teams of three who were participating in different events in each class.

In the Engineering Olympics, there were seven events. Flight Duration, Helping Hand, Paddle Power, Paper Table, Watercraft, Zip Line, and Zoom Zoom.
In Flight Duration, students had to make a floating design that could not be attached to a permanent structure. Their designs were released from a high point in the Olympics, and whoever’s design stayed in the air longest won gold. The price of the contraption would be the tiebreaker.
Helping Hand was an event where you had to design a contraption that could pick up small objects and place them in a bucket two feet away. The design could have one or two “hands”, and during competition, your real hands could not touch the objects. Each team member had one turn at picking up objects. The winner was the team that picked up the most objects.
In Paddle Power, you had to make a boat that could float in the test pool, and could be propelled across the pool. Any propulsion method could be used. During the competition, the boat could not be touched after it left the starting point, and whoever’s boat went fastest was the winner. In case of a tie, price of the boat was used as a tiebreaker.
In Paper Table, a team of three students had to build a structure that was able to withstand a fan three feet away for ten seconds while holding a tennis ball on top. Also, the tower could not be attached to the ground in any way. To win, your structure has to be the tallest and has to withstand the “windstorm” for over ten seconds.
For Watercraft, you had to make a boat that fit in the test pool & could float - even with washers being placed on it while it was in the water. When the boat hits the bottom during the competition, it is considered sunk and the team’s turn is over. The team whose boat could hold the most weight won.
Zip Line was an event where the students made a carrier that could safely carry an egg down a zip line. The criteria was that the carrier had to be able to be attached to the zip line at the time of competition, and the egg had to be able to be removed at the bottom of the zip line to prove safety. To win, the egg must survive the ride unharmed to be considered for medals. The carrier with the fastest time won, and the total cost was used as a tiebreaker.
In Zoom Zoom, you had to make a car that had four wheels, and was self propelled. During competition, the car could not be touched past the starting line or while it was in motion. The car that went the farthest won gold.

Sorry, but the results were unavailable, but Team Klink did win the most medals, so they got the trophy.

What I Learned
I learned about collaboration and working with other students in the Olympics from my team, and overall the Olympics were a very fun experience that I think all students should have a chance to enjoy.

TEACHER NOTE: If you would like more information about the engineering olympics please visit our Science site. All of the directions for the events can be found in the introductory presentation.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


By: Lauren

There are all different good, fun, and exciting times my whole class had in gym and I would like to tell you about my wonderful experiences that I had there.
One of the wonderful experiences that I had there is learning a lot of new fun games and activities such as tag the back, noodle tag, dodge ball, and terminator. My personal favorite is dodge ball because you get to pick a ball up and throw it at someone or use it to hit the ball that is coming at you. The object of the game dodge ball is try not to get hit on any part of your body. The reason I like the game dodge ball so much is that you get to throw the balls at people and dodging the ball that is coming toward you.
One of my other wonderful experiences is we get to play and hang out with friends in gym and do fitness testing. Fitness testing is where you do as many push ups or pull ups as you can and then you write them down on a piece of paper.
Another thing that is so fun fun in gym class is that we get to run around and the teacher teaches us how to play the sport correctly and it is so much fun.
I love gym and I hope that you make the right decision to stay fit.

Monday, May 19, 2014


By: Erin

Do you know what a Tagxedo is? A Tagxedo is a bunch of words, big and small, arranged into a shape.
To start out you have to either make a list of words or write a paragraph. Next you can copy and paste it into the text box on Then it will randomize the words. You can, then, change the picture that the words are making. After that you can change the colors of the words. Another option you have is what way the words are going. Some of the options are up and down, random, vertical and horizontal. When it randomizes the words, it will make some of the words bigger and others smaller.

This is what Tagxedos can look like.
For our 3rd quarter reflection, we all made Tagxedos to put on the window next to our classroom door. Everyone in the class typed a paragraph and then made a Tagxedo out of the paragraph. All the Tagxedos were under the sea related, some of which included seahorses and fish. Once we were all finished Mrs. Iwanski printed them and put them on the window with some "seaweed" and "waves". So it looked like it was under the sea. I thought this was a cool way to have a reflection on the 3rd quarter.

Friday, May 16, 2014

One-to-One Netbooks

By: Matthew

Apr 28, 2014 12:18:46 PM.jpg

My Experience
Since 4th grade I have gotten a Netbook every year. In 5th grade, I think on average we use our Netbooks around 4 times a day. We like to use our Netbooks in reading sometimes, in RtI every day, in writing a lot, and in math and science. Here is a picture of our Netbooks.

Highlights of Netbooks
This year at Merton there were some fun things involving Netbooks. we have done little buddies, the engineering olympics, the native american museum and many more. On a Netbook we can save a lot of our class time, like instead of going to the computer lab the teacher can say to the class to get their Netbooks.

My favorite part
On Netbooks we can play games. During study hall and when I'm done with tests and other school work my teacher will sometimes let us play on our Netbooks. A lot of times when I have finished my homework I love to play many different games. Some of my personal favorites are World Tour Basketball and Theme Hotel.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Historical Fiction Book Club

Historical Fiction Book Club
By: Sara

When I did Historical Fiction book club, I was EXCITED by the book I was reading. I was doing “Sadako and the thousand paper cranes” by Eleanor Coerr. It’s a story  about how Sadako got leukemia, her family was scared, mostly her mother. Every day, she made a paper crane to get better from leukemia. After school, her brother brings her homework while she at the hospital.   She meets Kenji, an orphan boy who has leukemia too. They meet every day and then Kenji dies before they meet by the window. We meet every Tuesday and Thursdays for book club. Every night, you do a chapter or more. Then, you write some jots you want to talk about for your next meeting.  

TEACHERS NOTE: This unit was developed as part of the Teacher's College Reading & Writing Project through Columbia University. The resources my teaching team and I developed for this unit can be found in this Google folder

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Exercise Balls as Chairs

Exercise Balls
By: Bailey

This year we have colorful exercise balls instead of chairs! We traded in half of our chairs for red exercise
balls. The benefits of using the exercise balls are to improve posture, promote learning through movement, improve balance and coordination and allows for “active” sitting. Here are some of the rules for the ball sitting- (if you break any of these rules you get a chair for the rest of the day.)
  1. Need to have feet stable on floor
  2. You can’t bounce really high on it
  3. No hitting ball with hands
  4. use it like a chair
  5. not a transportation method

Our classroom also has a procedure for getting a ball for the day. On their desks there is a number, if the last digit ends in a even number then you get a ball on a even day.

If the last digit on your name tag ends in a odd number then you get a ball on a odd day.  It’s a lot of fun to sit on the ball! I believe the exercise balls will be the future sitting style of all classrooms!

Teacher Note: The inital 12 exercise balls were purchased through a grant through our PTO. Students had the opportunity to use them every other day. Students who wanted to use one every day were able to supply their own.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Primary Buddies

Little Buddies
By: Noelle

This year, I have really enjoyed having little buddies. I think I have had the same two girls every time we have gotten together, Erika, and Julia.

My favorite project that we did was the close read when we watched Haster Bob. I think my little buddy really enjoyed it too. (Thank you Becky Czerwonka for sharing this activity. The directions for teachers can be found at this link)

I liked when the little buddies came over to our school better. When they entered the room, all of their faces lit up!

Also, I will never forget the time when we did the president researching too. My little buddy had Barack Obama, he was very fun to research!

Our little buddies teacher’s name is Mrs. Westrick, she was a great influence on all of the students.  

I like the idea of having little buddies because us older kids can give the little buddies advice and/or ideas for when they are older and when they have little buddies.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Coding Science Unit

By: Jake

This year we did  coding for national coding month. We used some free online programs.  We made games Christmas cards & Christmas games on Scratch and we learned coding on  Some people made really cool things and some links to those things down at the bottom. After we were done with that, we started to use scripts like python and javascript.  

This unit was really fun for me and I liked it a lot and if you are a teacher I recommend it.  With coding you can get really creative awesome stuff and it is a good skill to learn.

For more about our work with coding please visit our 5th grade science site at this link

End of the Year Wrap-Up

As we approach the end of the year it is time to showcase some of the amazing work that we have been doing. Each student has written a blog post explaining  a project/opportunity/experience that we have had the chance to do this year. Please check back often to see the great work that we have been doing. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z is for Zonkey

By Trevor

In this paper you will learn about a very cool animal, named Zonkey. You will learn about the habitat, what they eat, and what they are. If you don’t know what a Zonkey is well hopefully after you read this paper you will know.

Habitats and Foods

A Zonkey would live in the savannas and dry grasslands, since zonkeys aren’t in the wild this is where they would live. Zonkeys are considered a plain animal because they would be released in Africa’s grasslands and savannas. Zonkey’s are going to be pack animals because they rely on each other to do something, like zebras. Now we’re going to switch over to what they eat. When Zonkeys are babies they mostly rely on their mothers milk. When they get older, like 2 years old  they start eating berries and fruits. Finally, when they’re adults they eat lettuce and carrots.

What a Zonkey Is.

A zonkey is a zebroid, a zebroid is a zebra and another equine. To make a zonkey you need to make a donkey and zebra have to mate not  DNA split. Zonkeys have a very low chance that it can make another zonkey. A zonkey is mostly a donkey, but it still has zebra parts. A zonkey looks like this, A donkey head, mostly a donkey body and a legs and tail of a zebra.

Works Cited
"Meet the 'zonkey': A Zebra-donkey Hybrid." The Sydney Morning Herald. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. <>.
"Zonkey." (Equus Zebra X Equus Asinus). Web. 26 Mar. 2014. <>.
Chang, Jon M. "Rare Italian-born Baby Zonkey in Good Health." ABC News. ABC News Network, 25 July 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. <>.